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Turnberry Lighthouse

Turnberry Lighthouse

8.051 11

Brian Cathie

Free Account, Glasgow

Turnberry Lighthouse

I waited around for the sun to break through the clouds hoping to get a nice shot here, however after a couple of hours it started to rain heavily forcing me to give up. This was one of the few shots I managed to get on this visit to thelighthouse but as the saying goes...if at first you dont succeed, try try again! I will be back :-)

Comentarios 11

  • Susana Miguel 01/07/2010 8:58

    Hello Brian:
    So you were unlucky with the sun, but you managed to shoot a wonderful picture, as Heike Völker and all other FC colleagues aptly state.
    Congratulations for capturing this beautiful sight.
  • Anoli 24/05/2010 17:07

    Eine tolles Bild, ich mag besonders die Spiegelung!
    LG Ilona
  • Uwe Vollmann 17/05/2010 16:51

    Hallo Brian, eine ganz großartige Landschaftsaufnahme, die die Stimmung sehr gut wiedergibt und mir super gut gefällt!
  • --Opal-- 02/05/2010 12:42

    lg Opal
  • Fons van Swaal 30/04/2010 10:47

    Well captured....
    Best regards and good week-end...
  • Benjamin Haase 27/04/2010 18:49

    Hi Brian,

    what is wrong with this image? Weather is scottish, Lighthouse is scottish, you have water and dark skye in the picture (also scottsh) and quality of the picture is perfect

    Well done ...

  • Christian Rocher 26/04/2010 19:42

    J'aime beaucoup une belle image
  • Charly Roggow 26/04/2010 19:19

    very nice presentation
    LG Charly
  • Chiara Ab. 26/04/2010 15:34

    You got a wonderful shot. The sky with the dark heavy clouds creates an intense and surreal atmosphere. I like it.
  • Heike Völker 26/04/2010 14:46

    It might not be the picture you had planned, but "no success" is the wrong discription in my opinion. The contrast between the dark clouds and the beautyfull warm colours of the rocks cause a very fascinating atmosphere. I like the picture.
  • mike snead 26/04/2010 13:43

    beautiful work,brian.

    perfectly executed.

