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Unforgettable India

Unforgettable India

7.983 51 Galería

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Unforgettable India

A woman spends her time in a tower above the burning Ghat. The smoke of the dean, the soot covers the walls, and the floor. It is best to wear a mask up there because the smoke from the burning bodies during the endless cremations somehow find the way in.You can tell she has been there along time sorting out the abandonment of her family, Her clothes are soiled from the life's journey to nirvana from others she doesn't know, and there is no sign she has washed her sorry in some time.
Had this been the true Grimms fairy tail for "Rapunzel, to let down her golden hair, I think would be clear that no one from her family is coming to hold her hand being that she is no longer a useful part of the family.
The lockers behind her are for the parting, with what is left, the clothes or jewelry will be scavenged and declared holy work to pay fr the wood and feed the families of those that burn the wood even thought they say it is to buy wood for the next poor individual.
India is a super power. Big screen movies from Bollywood give false hope to the poor. Today they walk around with an upgrade smart phone that has a screen to glow on their face,play games,, listen to music,and if paid up ,maybe a phone call home to ask for help, or just hear the voice and sounds one has left behind to wait for their time at the burning gas.
India you are so incredible,God Bless you and to those you have promised a better life.

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