Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Valparaiso - in my eyes (8)

one of many, many murals in the steep old part of Valparaiso ... I took this one because of the dog and fire hydrant ....

Comentarios 41

  • pfallera 05/04/2018 13:45

  • Jim McKinniss 21/01/2018 18:26

    Hello Adele. I really like this very colorful photo and your great composition.

    Thanks for your nice words on my new work. I have been busy traveling and making new work and that has taken time from Fotocommunity.
  • de ceulaer 02/12/2017 11:29

    wonderful streetart and nice capture (the dog too !)
  • Steve Ember 02/12/2017 9:04

    Lively street scene, vibrantly captured! Congrats, Adele, for its selection for F-C start page.
    Wishing you a lovely motif-filled weekend,
  • hans-jakob 01/12/2017 17:17

    Straßenkunst sehr schön von dir aufgenommen!
    LG hans-jakob
  • phonya 30/11/2017 23:57

    excellent position - a great street
    greetings phonya
  • archiek 29/11/2017 22:10

    A wonderful composition of the compilation of street artists. From the face on the cement ball and fire hydrant to the extensive artwork on the walls. Great photo!
    Regards, Archie
  • Josiane FERRET 29/11/2017 18:20

    des murs bien décorés, ça donne de la gaieté à la ville, amitiés, Josiane
  • YVES Lr 29/11/2017 10:39

    Avec tous ces artistes, le quartier ne doit pas être triste! Gaieté, couleurs, imagination: de quoi faire oublier ses soucis quotidiens!
  • mohane 28/11/2017 21:56

    Indeed, well seen with the litlle dog
  • Dagi.H. 28/11/2017 21:04

    Phantastisch, unglaublich - sehr gut!
    LG Dagi
  • Mauro Tomassetti 28/11/2017 20:56

    Wonderful mural!
  • Elvina Benoist-Audiau 28/11/2017 19:19

    Another murals with so beautiful colours !!! very funny the fire hydrant and of course the dog !!! Hugs, Elvi
  • Manu T. 28/11/2017 19:16

    Tolle Farben und Malereien,die spielenden Hunde machen die Szene lebendig und der Hydrant hat mich zum lächeln gebracht. Sehr schön festgehalten.
  • Andreas Boeckh 28/11/2017 18:21

    A photographer's dream, this city.


Carpeta Murals and Graffiti
Vistas 74.855


Cámara Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objetivo Unknown 4-215mm
Diafragma 4.5
Tiempo de exposición 1/500
Distancia focal 12.5 mm
ISO 200

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