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Vita a Noto (Life in Noto)

Vita a Noto (Life in Noto)

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Vita a Noto (Life in Noto)

I spent a couple of weeks in Sicily last year and tried capturing just the feel of living there... it's very hard considering that the nicest places became very touristic. I found this little gem in the south of Sicily, Noto, a baroque city which was rebuilt completely after an earthquake destroyed almost totally the place.
I spent four days walking around, hunting on the streets... I got lucky when I took this photo, one of the two frames fired, and I got these people sitting in the cafe gesticulating and looking very Sicilian :)

Comentarios 3

  • angela argentino 04/02/2009 14:54

    Dear friend I'm from Noto but living in Greece on the wondeful island of Lefkas Your photo and your comment were so real and actual!!! You get the real spirit of Noto that rests inside me like a gem waiting the spring of my return,as often as I can .Come again !!
  • Monika Honti 03/02/2008 10:35

    olyan igazi délutáni olasz hangulat: La vita é bella
  • CsomorLászló 02/02/2008 19:14

    Remek utca kép!