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vivitar q-dos 70-210

vivitar q-dos 70-210

7.662 4

vivitar q-dos 70-210

my birthday
a present

(^--^ )/ ~~

Comentarios 4

  • Micha Luhn 14/12/2006 20:33

    Hello Kim, welcome in the stereo section of the fc.
    Several month ago aI discovered this lens in the www.
    Thereupon I took some experiments with the so called NoMir technique. On your homepage I saw the pic with the birds and found the "cardboard" effect in the focal plane like in my pics. That is one of the disadvantages of these techniques. I'm very interested in further pics taken with that lens.

    regards Micha
  • Thomas Kötz 11/12/2006 10:13

    ich auch...
  • Bruno Braun 11/12/2006 10:04

    Auf Deine Bilder mit dem Objektiv bin ich gespannt.
    MG Bruno
  • Ricardo B. 11/12/2006 7:13

    Happy birthday Chang-won !
