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This has seen better days when we were not swamped by cars.

Comentarios 7

  • Dominic Falcone 10/12/2006 19:37

    These shots of your are ful of rustic charm John.

    nice work.
  • John Moore 05/12/2006 23:53

    Wonderful to see, that it is being taken care of.
    Future generations need to see what how destructive
    progress can be.
    Beaut specimen and photo mate.
    Keep them comming.

  • Marit Hansson 03/12/2006 19:28

    Maybe b/w would have suited the grain, but I kind of like the colours as well.
    Greetings, Marit
  • Cees Kuijs 03/12/2006 9:23

    Nice still life of decay. Keep up our memories.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Jan Van Der Hooft 03/12/2006 0:06

    I like it, nice work

  • Geoff Ashton 02/12/2006 22:35

    a little grainy for my taste
    but nicly done anyhow
    cheers geoff
  • Tom McAlexander 02/12/2006 21:47

    I remember riding in these things back in the 40's. Personally, I like cars better for traveling, but the wagon makes a better picture.