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Was Once A Favourite Spot

Was Once A Favourite Spot

1.456 4

Sonia Esposito

Free Account, LEEDS

Was Once A Favourite Spot

Delicate memmorial to a child at the foot of Cow and Calf Rock, Ilkley Moor

Comentarios 4

  • botano 19/01/2009 19:52

    Einfach nur schön..
    LG Botan
  • Adele D. Oliver 18/01/2009 2:27

    Well documented with good POV, but this is so sad, Sonia.
    greetings, Adele
  • s. sabine krause 17/01/2009 23:56

    despite the happy reds a very sad picture. the title gently gets the bittersweet memories and melancholy across! well done!! best wishes, sabine.
  • Fons van Swaal 17/01/2009 21:35

    Pretty hard to see this...but real life.....!!
    Good journalism image....