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Wat Phra Keow just before the rain starts

Wat Phra Keow just before the rain starts

1.650 17

Peter Kaudelka

Free Account, Krabi

Wat Phra Keow just before the rain starts

Nikon Coolpix 5700

Comentarios 17

  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

    sorry the cars also dont do it for me, and also if somebody else proposed i might of voted pro but sorry not for gallery
  • Ron Couwenberg 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

  • Kay Wölfle 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

    It´s too much of a snapshot. contra
  • Jan Van Der Hooft 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

  • Ivano Cheli (1) 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

  • Patrick B. Parenteau 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

    Contra - taken as you enter the Wat. The light is beautiful but I would have prefered a differents angle, perhaps lower and tighter, where yoiu could incorporate
    the colour of the roofs and the multiple spires. The cars detract from the historical atmosphere. Sorry.
  • Victor Servián 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

  • Robert Riley 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

    Agree with above, sorry, contra.
  • Der Zacki 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

  • Valfoto 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

    Nice place, but I think that the photo coulb be better
    Sorry, contra
  • °°° celle °°° 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

    its ok.....but may not good enough for the gallery.....
    i would prefer another angle and spotting

  • Peter Kaudelka 25/03/2006 8:41 Comentario de la votación

    I think it was just good luck to catch this light and to catch this moment - nevertheless a stunning documentary and after all a great picture.
  • Peter Kaudelka 19/03/2006 7:09

    an dieser Stelle vielen Dank fuer Eure comments
  • Alex Kleeberger 19/03/2006 1:43

    Absolut geniales Bild, die Lichtstimmung ist einzigartig!

    Gruß Alex
  • Jürgen Aicher 16/03/2006 6:51

    Hallo Peter,
    ganz tolle Stimmung, und das noch an diesem Ort.
    LG Jürgen