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" What about global warming ? "

" What about global warming ? "

830 7

Levent Yy

Free Account, istanbul

Comentarios 7

  • Vesela Maleeva 09/03/2007 0:33

    Greetings, Ves
  • Kombizz Kashani 08/03/2007 17:42

    "How about our famous George and his vision" !
    "How about my mom who does not get enough time to mend my zip "?
    "How about to have one day trip to Walt Disney like other kids in Amirika"?
    "How about Levent, who left me like this in the cold"?
    "How about . . . "
  • S. BERG 08/03/2007 17:19

    oh-pur boy***
  • Maria Porter 08/03/2007 2:46

    Yes, agree with William. It is a very good capture, great in BW and a very good question!
  • Maguire 08/03/2007 1:50

    Priceless black and white work. The title just makes it crackle with humour.
  • Daren Borzynski 08/03/2007 1:31

    Excellent image & title!!
    The expression on his face & hands in his pockets says it all!!
    Really like it!!

  • Daniel Gordon ( William Price ) 08/03/2007 0:17

    great capture.....VERY GOOD QUESTION
    i think people will realise how big the problem is when its going to be too late ( or maybe it is too late? ).....

    all the best



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