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Wheh-tooh?  (F11 for best viewing)

Wheh-tooh? (F11 for best viewing)

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Wheh-tooh? (F11 for best viewing)

Many years ago, while shooting in midtown Manhattan, I came upon this "moment."

It was dutifully caught on film...and subsequently misfiled, only to jump out at me while searching amidst other "temporarily orphaned" slides for images to illustrate a story on...Chicago! Guess I now have an idea where to search for "temporarily re-located" images of, say, San Juan ;-)

Anyhow, the Ektachrome of the doggie-behind-the-wheel gets held up to the light,
and the old "temporarily re-located" mind flashes to a favorite moment, in a favorite movie.

Early in Alfred Hitchcock's "North by Northwest," Cary Grant as ad exec Roger Thorhhill, is nimbly eluding his would-be
assassins by grabbing a taxi from an unsuspecting couple in front of the Plaza Hotel on Central Park South.

I've always loved the guttural Brooklynese of the taxi driver, as he off-handedly asks his passenger, "Wheh-tooh?"

This image is available as a custom printed Photo Note Card.

Photo and Design ©Steve Ember

Comentarios 2

  • dominati simone 24/06/2014 13:43

    Génial :sujet , photo, atmosphère .Beau et bon travail .
    Merci de votre passage et de votre commentaire .
  • surex 25/04/2014 9:24

    Schönes Foto! Die Idee gefällt mir ! LG Susanne