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Where History and Myth blend

Where History and Myth blend

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alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Where History and Myth blend

Mycenean civilization

The Mycenean civilization flourished on the Peloponesian territory of South Greece for nearly thousand years (2000-1100 BC) as a continuation of earlier glorious ones as the Cycladian(3500-2000 BC) and Minoan in Creta(5000-1300 BC), till it was itself perished because of an earthquake or the Dorian invasion that followed around 1000 BC.
The Mycenian period remained also important because, on top of everything else,created the historical setting in which historical reality and tales all merged and ingeniously combined by the ancient poets, historians and musicians to produce masterpieces greatly admired by later generations among them Iliad, Odyssey, Troyan Epic Cycle and rest of Greek ancient drama pieces. A great part of ancient greek mythology, not to mention Troyan war only, is spinned with happenings of the Mycenean era and inspired other ancient Greek politicians of the Classical, Macedonian and Hellenistic era.
Heinrich Schlieman was a pioneer in the study of Early Aegean civilization and his excavations proved that Troyan war was not only a charming fairy tale but it was also live history and full of the reality of a Greek colonial expansion towards the rich East. His excavations and the so many that followed later by Greek archeologists, revealed all the grandeur and wealth of the Mycenean territory with the palaces, houses, utensils, gold jewelry and royal tombs which was lucky to find them unsecrated full of gold and silver.
Agamemnon, the glorious king and leader of the Greek army in the Troyan war, his satanic wife Klytemnestra, legendary Iphigenia, Electra, Orestes, all tragic figures of Troyan war and postwar frustrating happenings that created the setting of the Classic ancient Greek Drama, all were there present among the colossal ruins of the excavated Mycenean territory.

In the photo, the entrance to the Mycenean state, the legendary Gate of Lions as it stays till today, 2500 years after.....

Comentarios 8

  • Isi19 20/09/2016 21:07

    Greece yesterday and today,one of the world powers before Rome took over as 7. world power.Even the Bible (New Testament )was written in Greek.Thimothy's (writer of a Bible letter) Father was a rich Greek merchant,his mother a Jew.So Greek was a common language in the 1.century after Christ.Thanks for showing all these interesting photos of an old world.Greetings from Namibia from Ingrid
  • Harold Thompson 27/06/2016 10:03

    Good strong contast bring out the structure well in the lion gateway and figure giving scale to it
    :-)) Harold
  • Carlo.Pollaci 27/06/2016 6:12

    Inquadratura perfetta. Magnifica fotografia. La Porta dei Leoni vista in tutta la sua potenza architettonica.
    Un caro saluto,
  • Adele D. Oliver 27/06/2016 2:58

    so impressive the masonry work of the ancient Greeks ... a famous gate here - I walked under it many years ago .... excellent sharp details and textures enhanced by your black and white presentation !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Cameraqueen 26/06/2016 19:07

    Thanks for guiding us through Greek history, illustrating it with great photos. The b&w perfectly reflects the structure of the old stones.
    Kind regards,
  • Sue Thompson 26/06/2016 16:48

    A very ood picture of this ancient gate of Lions. The details and tones are excellent bring out the textures of the stonewok.

  • LadyNoone 26/06/2016 13:31

    That's fantastic to travel with you to places known from history books!


Vistas 3.231


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