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... Where The Ancestors Are Buried

... Where The Ancestors Are Buried

2.066 1

Winnie Punkt

Free Account, Prag

... Where The Ancestors Are Buried

These beehive tombs date back to the 3rd millenium BC and are tucked away somewhere near the Western Hajjars in Oman.
Oman is one of my favourite countries in the Middle East and I am sure this is where 1001 Nights happened. Perhaps this picture is not quite a good evidence of my theory, but more are to come, inshallah.

At this point I also apologize to all my buddies for having ignored you in a long time. I am on vacation - yeeha!!! - which means there is not much time for staring at the computer screen. Hope you all are enjoying your summer as much as I enjoy mine. I'll send you a bit of sunshine from Hanoi.

(I reloeaded the pic because of its odd white tone. Sorry to Lady Bathory and Andrea Grosse who already wrote a comment)

Comentarios 1

  • Frederik Oberthür 14/07/2006 16:16

    Nice picture! I especially like the first tomb as main eye-catcher, with the other tombs slowly leading the eye to the mountains in the background.

    Suggestions from improvement:
    - I personally probably would have put that first tomb a wee-bit more to the right. Right now it's pretty much squeezed to the edge of the picture
    - I'd also make the sky a bit lighter. Right now there isn't enough contrast with the mountains (would need to try that one, first, though. Maybe the effect doesn't work...).

