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Young boy learns riding the horse

Young boy learns riding the horse

4.553 2


Premium (World), Bangkok

Young boy learns riding the horse

Riding for Mongolian people is necessary for life and survival. The boy maybe 4 years old already is sitting on the horse and is learning to breed wild horses with the lasso noose.
Mongolian horses have great stamina, although they have smaller body they can gallop for 10 km without break.

Comentarios 2

  • Sigrun v.K. 11/02/2013 14:14

    Ein Klasse-Foto. Besonders der Gesichtsausdruck des Kleinen gefällt mir.
    LG Sigrun
  • Brigitte Lucke 11/02/2013 10:47

    Ein Foto, das neugierig macht. Danke auch für die Info.
    Gruss Brigitte


Carpeta Far through Mongolia
Vistas 4.553


Cámara NIKON D200
Objetivo ---
Diafragma 8
Tiempo de exposición 1/250
Distancia focal 44.0 mm
ISO 125

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