Andre Schonken

Free Account, Port Elizabeth

Sobre mi

I started photography at school with a Nikkormat and 50mm lens. Sold many photos of athletes to their admirers. I stopped film photography many years ago and started digital 2 years ago when I bought a CANON 300D, 18-55 std, 50mm, and 75-300mm with 430X flash.
I did an advanced photography course at the loacal university and now I am "HOOKED"!!

It is far too early for me to specialize in any type of photography but I enjoy portraits, still life and landscape photos.

My wife and two sons are sick and tired of me taking photos of them. By the way, I am a bit older than in this picture. i promise to upload something else that looks like me later. In the meantime I am using an old photo of me as a marketing ploy:-))
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