Andreas Takashi

Free Account, Munich

Sobre mi

Photography is my way to reflect my personal experiences and the way the world is acting on me. The final picture is in my head before I press the shutter release.
To get exactly the picture I have in my head, I will carry my camera to every possible place in the world. To get the desired touch I manipulate most pictures slightly using techniques mimicking classic darkroom processes. I prefer a digital approach for that, although film has its special appeal too.

Currently my main focus is on light in its different characteristics in a natural environment. We are living in a world, illuminated by artificial light. Darkness is banned from our existence. I’m trying to bring back that darkness in my photography – and the feelings created by it.
I'm looking for models, who might be interested being part of my work (preferably TFP/TFCD), although I'm more than happy to pay for your expenses
I'm open to new ideas and concepts for projects. Feel free to leave a comment or critique to my pictures - it's crucial to get better

Ich suche Models, die an einer künstlerischen Zusammenarbeit interessiert sind und bin creativen Ideen immer aufgeschlossen
Und ich freue mich natürlich über Kritik oder Kommentare zu den Photos.

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