Bryan Nisbet

Free Account, Maidenhead

Sobre mi

Note temp pic in place for now, it is related, to below.

Fantastic "Fox" is a favorite film of mine. Hence the photo, which started with a great fox, but as the real fox escaped me, & I used someone else's pic, I have been foxxy & decided to promote a little, another fox, along with a well known Mag for boys. (My nikcname has been at some time boring but otherwise cocky, so be warned)

I always loved fox's and was very relieved when fox hunting was banned.

But thankfully they have introduced drag hunting were a rider on horse back & riders on more horses play fox and hounds.

This a bit like a fox, it hunts out the best way of doing things.

As a kid we played at everything from cowboy's & indian's to hunting on horse's, using pretty dramatic game's up & down the hill's of West Scotland. Having hence galloped all over our wee bit of hill & glen on my horse, to catch the hound, without any hurts I was truly amazed when I came South to find horse people with injuries on all this flat land. We even arrived at one event with my horses leg through the box floor almost dragging on the road. He just sat quietly then literally galloped all day. So maybe when I can I shall dig out some pictures of my old Arab, for that is what my horse was. As for down here what we Scot's call south, I guess the going is a little harder than up North where the hill's lie. So next time you go South note I always remember to be real careful. A scot's lament.

A girls South energy lives in her nether regions, see photo. The North holds the bumps, eye's & the ability to gallop. down South I take it real slow, some ask how girl boy thing works, well this is what worked for me.

With horses it's just the same, I take it slow down south too & avoid all that messing around with fox's. Up north we always left them alone & used pretend hunting. We called it a Paperchase.

As an intro to anyone with likewise feelings you will understand like many farmers I like animals. Cheers

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