Dinu Filipescu

Premium (Pro), Köln

Sobre mi

Searching whatt lies beyond visibility .

Comentarios 149

  • Fernando Anzani 02/06/2024 12:28

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, meine Fotos anzusehen. Sehr schön. Ciao. Fernando.
    Fernando Anzani
  • Fernando Anzani 14/04/2024 18:25

    Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an meinen Fotos, wir freuen uns sehr. Ciao. Fernando.
  • David Arduini 11/02/2024 0:18

    Hi Dinu, thank you for taking a look at a few of my photos. It's funny that you never know what photo people will like.  Regards David
  • Fernando Anzani 11/11/2023 20:24

    Vielen dank. Sehr nett. Ciao. Fernando.
    Il mosso.
    Il mosso.
    Fernando Anzani
  • Fernando Anzani 07/05/2023 14:17

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie meinem Fotokurs folgen möchten. Sehr geehrt. Grüße aus Venedig. Ciao. Fernando.
    VENEZIA - Riflessi in Bacino Orseolo
    VENEZIA - Riflessi in Bacino Orseolo
    Fernando Anzani
  • Kharmencita 11/06/2022 22:52

    Hello Dinu, thank you for appreciating my Photo, "Stormy Weather". Have a nice Weekend :-)
  • Robert L. Roux 29/01/2022 20:24

    your pictures have brought smiles 
    to the heart of the north country ... 
  • reibol 29/01/2022 19:36

    Hi Dinu.
    Many thanks for all your praises.
    BR Reinhold
  • Carlo.Pollaci 31/12/2020 19:39

    Ciao Dinu, tantissimi auguri per il nuovo anno, che possa recare gioia, serenità e felicità a te e ai tuoi cari.
    Buon Anno 2021!
    Bar Venezia (Sicily 2013)
    Bar Venezia (Sicily 2013)
  • Ottmar Niessen 07/10/2019 18:55

    Herzlichen Dank für die Lobe und Kommentare.....ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut....
    Lieben Gruß 
  • pfallera 10/02/2019 21:11

    mul?umesc pentru cuvântele amabile tale în pagina mea
  • Claudia Rudolf 09/12/2018 18:13

    Thank s great pictures
  • Dinu Filipescu 23/09/2018 11:16

    Hallo Anca:
    It´s a long time I haven`t heard or seen anything from you.
    I hope to see your world again .
  • Anca Silvia B. 22/09/2018 21:03

  • lvova.photo 08/07/2018 19:07

    Thank you too.It not a hard job to say someone that his pictures are good.It's true.I like some of them.
  • 191 217
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  • Fotógrafo (Avanzado)


Nikon D5200
Nikkor DX 35mm
Nikkor DX 55-300

Panasonic DMC-Fz8