Mike Kiernan

Free Account, Stockport

Sobre mi

My name is Michael Kiernan, but I prefer the shortened version 'Mike', which is less formal. Photography is just one of my interests. I think composition is everything. Yes, it is important to get the best results you can, but you have to work with the equipment you have to hand. Great results can be achieved with the simplest equipment. Conversely, good equipment can produce poor results. It is down to the man behind the camera, or the artist working with photographic manipulation. If the end result is pleasing to the eye, then it is justified. Judge my work not by the equipment I use, but by the results I achieve, Watch this space, and prepare to be, ...... interested, maybe. But don't take it too seriously ! - Mike

Comentarios 4

  • Colin R Powell 05/12/2008 19:30

    Hello Mike
    thank you for putting me right on Windermere
    Like you I realy like the area but living in S Wales
    it's a long haul
  • William Williamson 30/11/2008 22:07

    Thanks for taking the time to comment.
    Regards William.
  • Mike Kiernan 24/11/2008 17:43

    Thanks to everyone who has commented so far. I am new to this and it is wonderful to know that people like my work. My earliest camera would you believe, was a 'Box Brownie', but I only used it for snaps. Somewhere in my mother's shoebox there are one or two photos from it, I must dig them out. I progressed to an 'Instamatic', then a little 110. My first proper camera was an 'Olympus OM 10', which gave good results, then someone sold me an all-singing all dancing, point and shoot jobbie, a Minolta I think. Then I got the Relysis, which was OK till it broke. Then I paid £99 for the Technica, which developed a fault. When I returned it the price had gone down, so I got a replacement and £10 refund ! Results wise I still think film is best, but the convenience of digital outweighs that. £89 for a 10 Megapixel is not bad, but one day maybe I will go for something better, SLR style I think, with interchangable lenses. Digital is great, but it has its limitations, but like all systems, the more you pay the better the potential results.
  • Mike Kiernan 24/11/2008 13:17

    People might be interested in my profile photo. It is actually two photographs, one on top of the other. The original was a picture of my son Thomas, when he was younger. He is standing in front of a steam roller called - You've guessed it! 'Thomas' ! For people in different countries who perhaps don't know, locally, just up the road in the town of Bolton, there was a character called 'Fred Dibnah'. He was a steeplejack, a man who climbs chimneys and church steeples and repairs them. He sometimes demolished chimeys as well, and he became famous through television programmes about him. He wore a flat cap and glasses and was very much 'down to earth'. Friends tell me I look like him, so they have nicknamed me 'Fred'. He was also a steam roller enthusiast, so I superimposed my picture on the one with Thomas and the steamroller and that's the result ! Sadly, Fred died a while back, but his memory lives on with the TV programmes he made, which are still shown now and then.
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