Rick Doble

Free Account, Smyrna

Sobre mi

Invited to Capturing the Moving Mind Conference, Moscow, Russia, 2005; Honorable mention, PostPicasso.com, digital self portraits, 2004; Merry Moor Winnett Photography Triennial, Greensboro, NC, 2004; Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, NC, 2002; Review: one page, full color, eDigitalPhoto, a newsstand magazine, 2001; Omaha Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, NE, 1999; Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth, Australia, 1999; animations shown, Aixois d'Art Contemporain, France, 1999; Editor's Choice Award and Review: Netweek Magazine, Australia, 1999; The Orlando Museum of Art, Orlando, FL, 1998; Review of Animations: The Film-Philosophy Journal of London, England, 1998; seven Internet covers, Pif Magazine (pifmagazine.com, a major literary web publication), 1998-2000; Greenville Museum of Art (one complete gallery), Greenville, NC, 1995; one-man show, Cameron-Black Gallery, Beaufort, NC, 1994; two full page color prints, Sanskrit Magazine, Charlotte, NC, 1994.
---Professional freelance photographer (1975-1993): taught beginning, advanced and darkroom photography independently, plus courses at Duke University, Durham Technical Institute; created workshops and directed 12 multimedia instructional slide shows for area school system; photo-journalism assignments for North Carolina State Government, Duke University, Durham Chamber of Commerce, Central Carolina Bank, Carolina Wren Press, regional newspapers; book, magazine, record covers.
---Artistic Film-Based Photography (1971-1991): 6 one-man shows; included in numerous regional group shows; awards - Best in Show, Best in Category - Landscape, Second Place - Portraiture, Durham Arts Council, Durham, NC, 1974; Honorable Mention, North Carolina State Fair, 1970 & 1972.
---Director of the Durham Photographic Archive Project (1977-1980): wrote grant for NEA, ran 3-year project; researched, copied and compiled a permanent archive of historic Durham photographs.
---Photography Reviewer (1973-1981): NC Anvil and The Guide to the Triangle, Durham, NC.
---Director of Durham Restoration or Renewal (1976-1977): wrote grant, obtained funding from the NC Humanities Committee for multimedia slide show about preserving Durham architecture, Durham, NC.
---Director, Photography Workshop for Teenagers After School (1972-1975): founded this workshop for teens at risk, Durham, NC.
---Intern (1974), North Carolina State Government, photographer for the documentation of community development research, Raleigh, NC.
---Darkroom Technician (1971-1972), University of North Carolina Photography Lab, Chapel Hill, NC.
---Listed in Marquis Who'sWho in America as a photographer in the Millennium edition.

---M.A. in Media from the Dept. of Radio, TV and Motion Pictures at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1975.
---B.A. in English (Honors in Writing), from UNC-Chapel Hill, 1966.

Comentarios 2

  • When 02/12/2006 11:04

    Hi ya' Rick. Welcome to FC, and glad to see you here.
  • Andy Pomplun 02/12/2006 10:28

    Welcome to fotocommunity.com!

    Good to see you found this place, where professionals, amateurs and rookies meet to share their views of photography, show and discuss each others work.
    I hope you'll find the things you were looking for when you joined and have the same fun I have since I became a member.
    Don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team if you have any questions!

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    Best regards
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