Samir Pepic

Free Account, Novi Pazar

Sobre mi

I am an amateur.Start takong a pics 2 year ago.
Trying to do the best I can...
The design is my joob.Photos are my hobi.
Working at Corel & Photoshop.
Just like a moment when i shoot,and scene to put it in histori.
(My English is not so god,but taking a praktice :))

Comentarios 5

  • Ivana Cermakova 03/05/2015 15:41

    Thank you for your nice comment! ;)
  • adriana lissandrini 20/04/2015 19:22

    Thank you for your appreciation Samir, good entertainment with fc! Adriana
  • Mirza Mehanovic 09/11/2006 14:51

    nisi bas toliko redovan sa fotografijama.. ajde bit ce, bit ce ;)
  • Diana Davidson 13/04/2006 15:31

    Samir, thanks for looking... Keep yours coming. FC is a blast and a half
  • When 11/04/2006 12:47

    Welcome to FC. Hope you enjoy it here. The best way to get noticed and to get comments on your work is to comment on other's portfolios. If you need any help navigating the website, feel free to ask. Be sure to join us in the forums. See you around, and welcome to the gang.
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