Ezio Z.

Free Account, Vienna

Sobre mi

My focus is on people photography and I am searching for creative personalities that are interested in being protagonist of my shooting ideas.
Regarding my person, I was born in Italy in 1970 and have been working and living in Vienna since 14 years, so I am speaking italian, german and english fluently.
Since 2008, beside my job as project manager I am constantly practicing with digital photography and my owned professional equipment


Comentarios 2

  • Hagen H. 30/10/2011 10:39


    ...herzlich Willkommen im Club der Fotoverrückten und Selbstdarsteller.
    Ich wünsche dir immer ein tolles Motiv, im richtigen Licht !!!

    Mfg Hagen H.
  • Markus Grabher 29/10/2011 13:28

    ....herzlich willkommen in der bunten und ein klein wenig verrückten Welt der fotocommunity. Ich wünsch Dir hier viele nette Kontakte sowie gut Licht für Deine Aufnahmen.


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