Michael Western

Free Account, Stone

Sobre mi

I am a British amateur photographer, mainly based in mainland Europe, due to make a step forward into the semi-professional world in the coming year. I am hoping to take on as much photography work as I can at the moment with the intent to gain experience and improve technique.

I have done a substantial amount of scenic and architectural work in the past few years in countries such as Norway, Kenya and the Middle-East and found this invaluable experience.
I have limited experience in the glamour/fashion fields but have done a few artistic nude shoots with personal friends and several times with amateur/semi-professional models but I am hoping to do more of such work in the near future.

I have shot a variety of short films over the last five years, some of which received positive reviews in local art cinema screenings. I am considering more short film work in the near future dependant on available time after photographic work.

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