Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
I am an english guy living and working in Hannover.
The photography has been following me since I was about 20 years old......and now, after a long break away from the camera, it has come back to me after buying my Canon about a year ago.
At the moment, I am looking for models (male and female of all ages) for a project that I would like to get going. The pictures are to be the faces of the models and a close-up of the left eye! All in B/W.
If anyone in or around the area of Hannover is interested in being a part of this project, then please get in contact with me.
Und ja, die deutsche Sprache beherrsche ich auch!!! ;-)
I am an english guy living and working in Hannover.
The photography has been following me since I was about 20 years old......and now, after a long break away from the camera, it has come back to me after buying my Canon about a year ago.
At the moment, I am looking for models (male and female of all ages) for a project that I would like to get going. The pictures are to be the faces of the models and a close-up of the left eye! All in B/W.
If anyone in or around the area of Hannover is interested in being a part of this project, then please get in contact with me.
Und ja, die deutsche Sprache beherrsche ich auch!!! ;-)
Neil Davis 17/09/2012 11:10
Hallo,ich habe so viel Spaß an der Photographie, dass ich jetzt ein Projekt starten will.
Auf diesem Wege suche ich hierfür Personen (männlein/weiblein/jung/alt), die bereit sind, für mich Model zu stehen.
Die Aufnahmen erfolgen in schwarz/weiss und sollen nur das Gesicht zeigen.
Wer Lust hat, daran teilzunehmen und in und um Hannover wohnt, setzt sich einfach mit mir in Verbindung.