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Sobre mi
My activities often centre around naturist events and most photos will be related to that. I like the great outdoors with a particular emphasis on the beach, while exploring wild and relatively inaccessible areas, usually wearing nothing more than a pair of sturdy boots or water shoes. My favourite car is a Saab 900T convertible, which is still in early stages of restoring to full glory, but it does get me from A2B in a fun style.
Scubyw 22/02/2012 21:28
Thank you Adele,Hope to find some time soon to post a few more pictures.
Adele D. Oliver 22/02/2012 20:01
Hello and welcome! Great to see that you joined our big FC.com family. I am sure you will enjoy posting your photos and seeing the pictures of other members. I wish you lots of new friends and much fun and always "good light"!!greetings from Vancouver,
Adele - Nature Channel Manager