Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
To see life,
To see world,
To eyewithness great events,
To watch facts of the poor and the gestures of the proud,
To see strange things
shadows in the jungle an on the moon
To see man´s work
his paintings and discoveries,
To see things a thousand miles away,
To see and to take pleasure in seeing,
To see and to be amazed,
To see and to be instructed.
(Henry Luce)
To see world,
To eyewithness great events,
To watch facts of the poor and the gestures of the proud,
To see strange things
shadows in the jungle an on the moon
To see man´s work
his paintings and discoveries,
To see things a thousand miles away,
To see and to take pleasure in seeing,
To see and to be amazed,
To see and to be instructed.
(Henry Luce)
Canonjuppi 25/02/2010 10:44
Mit dem "Badeanzug" aber schön vorsichtig beim Baden sein! :-)Erikas-Pictures 25/09/2007 23:07
Hallo Siggi ,schön Dich hier zu sehen Lach. Lieben Gruß Erika