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"I want to have my lion and my eagle about me, that I may always have hints and premonitions concerning the amount of my strength or weakness. Must I look down on them today, and be afraid of them? And will the hour come once more when they will look up to me, and tremble?" -Friedrich Nietzsche
"I want to have my lion and my eagle about me, that I may always have hints and premonitions concerning the amount of my strength or weakness. Must I look down on them today, and be afraid of them? And will the hour come once more when they will look up to me, and tremble?" -Friedrich Nietzsche
mfpHobbyfotografien 09/07/2013 21:15
Hallo,lieben Dank für deine Anmerkung und freut mich das dir die Aufnahme gefällt!
Lieben Gruß.
Bentzer 19/02/2013 18:57
Hi , vielen DankLG
Jürgen Teute 19/02/2013 14:17
Vielen Dank.VG von der Küste .. Juergen