Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
Hello my name is Emma and I´m 12 years old. I photograf at home or in our stable, but our horse i sold. I take fotos on my two cats, my dig, my bird and my sisters bunny, I have an camera that is cald Olympus Camedia, it´s an digital camera and it´s 3.2 megapixels, and the zoom is c-370 :D If you want to ask me something mejl me, if you are from sweden you can right on swedish.
Sanya Kovacheva 09/07/2006 15:59
thanks Emma, so kind of you ;)Sanya Kovacheva 08/07/2006 19:10
hi there :)your cats are soo sweet
I love them
it must be great to live in a house full of all kinds of animals :)
and welcome to the fc
greets, sanya