Sobre mi


Easter, 1989


Comentarios 90

  • I Strawfish I 25/12/2009 0:19

    Vasel Koleda!
  • Ildikó ZókaDani 31/05/2009 20:40

    Hi Sanya!:)
    It was glad to see you (and a very emotional and impressive photo from you) here again!
  • Robert L. Roux 07/11/2008 22:29

    hi sanya
    your images are wonderful
    and the titles are all
    thoughtful -
    they bring smiles
    and touch the heart...
    greetings from the northcountry
  • Mattia Sacco 04/06/2008 13:19

    Very nice portfolio Sanya. Well done.
  • I Strawfish I 24/12/2007 23:02

    Merry x-mas, Best Regards and
    many thx for the comments.

    D.O. Hennig
  • Francesco Margarita 11/12/2007 12:42

    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Francesco Margarita

    Marry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
    francesco margarita
  • .coma white. 17/10/2007 22:38

    they show a part of me, I think.
    don't know ;)
    like a healing process for the soul^^ sry for my bad english lol
  • .coma white. 17/10/2007 22:26

    hehe :D
    there are a many people who thought that I am older.. but I don't mind, they only knew me through my pictures. in real life I'm bit different ^^

    greetings :D
  • .coma white. 17/10/2007 22:16

    yes just a few days.. =)
  • Yadran Saavedra 14/09/2007 21:43

    Nothing but great work!
  • Kristina Mateva 29/05/2007 10:17

    Za men e udovolstvie! Krasivi ochi, silen pogled.. Otrajenie na onaq vatreshna prizma prez koqto se prechupva vsichko vanshno, do koeto imam vazmojnostta da se dokosna. Blagodarq ti!
  • Kinga Duchnowska 30/01/2007 18:26

    Thanks much for your very kind comment!

    best regards!
  • Alfred Spectrum 17/01/2007 5:24

    Hello Sanya, welcome at FC, stick around, I like your contrast in your pictures.

  • Peter Ernst Seelig 02/01/2007 13:14

    Dear Sanya,
    Thank you for your compliment!

    I wish you a happy new year
  • Yanina Tymchuk 27/12/2006 17:50

    Sanya, happy new year!!!
    best wishes
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