Sobre mi

Photographic Equipment:
Nikon D-50 (Body)
(Lens) 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G
(Lens) Tamron SP AF28-75mm F/2.8 XR Di
(flash) SB-600 AF Speedlight
SLIK 505 tripod

Computer Equipment:
Apple G4 ibook 40GB (upgraded)
Apple G4 imac 30 GB
Apple G5 Imac 20 inch screen 250 GB

Western Digital (external hardrive) 160GB

Software Equipment:
Irfan View
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign
Quark Xpress
Adobe Acrobat (for PDF's)
Adobe Distiller
Adobe Photoshop CS, CS2

I am from Nicaragua I am 29 years old and I love Art, Photography, music and life IN A EXPONENTIAL FORM! I want to tell you that I first started it with my first analog camera; Canon AE-1! later on as technology progressed I turned lazy when digital cameras emerged I left the analog world of photography for awhile and realized that I didn't have to be exclusive in order to have an advanced camera, so I went back learned photoshop for 10 years! and just recently purchased my first Digital Single Lens Reflex camera (Nikon-50) to learn all about analog but in a digital format! I learned my way not to cheat photography and I learned my lesson throughout this years! Now the remaining of photography is to enjoy it while you have it!
Thank you guys for providing a small space for me right here in fotocommunity!

Felix Yadran Saavedra

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