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Sobre mi

I guess all we have is really all we need
So please
let's take these broken hearts, and use
let's use only what we really need
you know we only have so little
[Jack Johnson]

Du musst hier nicht dazugehören,
aber such dir, was zu dir gehört.
[Wir sind Helden]

Musik, Menschen, Fotografie, Literatur, Philosophie, Natur. Und Irrsinn.
Mehr brauche ich im Leben nicht. Nicht viel mehr, jedenfalls.


The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles!

MGMT, The Bravery, The Kooks, The Kinks, The View, The Lemonheads, The Subways, The Weepies, Bob&Jakob Dylan, Mason Jennings, Chris Garneau, Lifehouse, Guns n Roses, Hot Hot Heat, Laurila, The Wallflowers, The Doors, The Shins, The Moldy Peaches, Badly Drawn Boy, Babyshambles, Mason Jennings, Jack Johnson, The Animals, Radiohead,...

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