Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
Thank you all for comments and attention to my photos!
I still badly am guided on a site, excuse.
My English leaves much to be desired....)))
I still badly am guided on a site, excuse.
My English leaves much to be desired....)))
Tania Skaradek 27/02/2011 17:22
proveriajte na mne :-)))Privet
Tania Skaradek 26/02/2011 16:02
A to:-))))) Delajetsia eto prosto: otkrivajete foto, kotoroje xotite pricepit v otvete na comment, v pravom nizhnem uglu est okoshechko s ego nomerom... delaete "copy", i kogda pishete otvet na comment, snashala v pole pisma delajete "paste". Budut ciferki, a kogda otsilajete - pojavliajetsia foto! Menia Tatjana Gutskova nauchila:-))) Za chto ei - ogromnoje spasibo!Regards
Tania Skaradek 26/02/2011 2:50
Zlatochka, eto moi liubimij antikvarnij magazin:-))) Ja tam pasus v kazhdij prijezd v Vilnius;-)Tatjana
Tatiana Gutskova 19/02/2011 9:11
Spasibo za iskrenniy komment ))). TanyaZlatochka 05/02/2011 12:43
Vielen Dank! :)Zlatochka 05/02/2011 12:39
Thanks for the kind wishes!Very happy for your attention :)
Adele D. Oliver 05/02/2011 2:25
Greetings!! Glad that you found your way to Fotocommunity. A warm welcome!!! I hope you will enjoy showing your images and having a look at other members' photos. Have fun, get inspired and make many friends!!!best regards, Adele
Christy-Ann 04/02/2011 23:05
Herzlich willkommen in der fc. Ich wünsche dir viele gute Anregungen, neue Ideen und viel Spaß im Kreise von uns Fotofreunden.Liebe Grüße, Christy-Ann