1.453 8

Mircea Tiron-Tudor

Free Account, Cluj-Napoca

Comentarios 8

  • Comy 30/03/2008 14:04

    great street scene...
  • Pascal Viyer 15/03/2008 20:09

    Two or three worlds !
    amitié, Mircea
  • redfox-dream-art-photography 13/03/2008 2:58

    Very good!

    P. S.: Thank you so much! Without you I wouldn't have got the star:

  • Heidi Roloff 11/03/2008 17:37

    Very good. I like it a lot !
    Greetings from Heidi
  • iacob ion 10/03/2008 22:26

    Superba!Toate elementele fotografiei,aparent disociate,transmit un mesaj clar memoriei afective:un colt din universul copilariei mele !
  • Ilidio Fernandes 10/03/2008 19:52

    Excellent shot.
  • Bogdan Udvor 10/03/2008 19:23

    Sincer nu ma prea intereseaza ce gandeste cainele, pentru ca fotografia iti da o stare de...... melancolie (mie cel putin) ceea ce este de ajuns.
    Cu drag Bogdan.
  • Alexandra Baltog 10/03/2008 18:42

    Oh .. I know .. I know ... this picture is for me .. :-)) My name is written there...on the door ... :-))

    good capture with nice background .. But .. like Mike .. I wonder what is in dog's head .. ???


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