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Niemcy to farciarze i dlatego ich NIE lubie !!!!!!!!!!!! Odpadna w nastepnej rundzie !!!!!! i to raczej bedzie pewne !!!!! szanse na wygrana niech maja wszyscy - z wyjatkiem niemcow !!!!!!

Jestem teraz za CZECHAMI !!!!!

Comentarios 7

  • Katerina Zumrová 22/06/2006 13:52

    wow, that's for me very pleasant to read it :-) Thanx!
  • Dirk Hofmann 17/06/2006 13:24

    puh ... that saves me soem work ... :-)
  • Lukasz Bobowski 17/06/2006 2:50

    YES !!
  • Dirk Hofmann 16/06/2006 10:51

    Well, I hope your antipathy for Germans is limited on soccer only ... :-)

    thx for the explanation ...
  • Lukasz Bobowski 16/06/2006 10:45

    I am glad that photo in your opinion is in intresting perspekive.

    My text is about german - that they have a lot of luck - for example at 14.06.2006 in match with Poland. So i do not like germans !! And now i think that Czech Republick win World Cup 2006 in footbal!! I hope so!!

    Thanks for comments
  • Katerina Zumrová 16/06/2006 10:34

    yes, I agree with Dirk - on both
  • Dirk Hofmann 16/06/2006 1:41

    interesting perspective ... i'm sorry that i don't understand your text ... could you please translate it for me?