a final archival reload
given a digital pounding ...
soon, thousands of swans will return
to the north country
and let the people_kind know
that spring is truly in the air
and the coldness of winter time
is only a memory -
with any luck at all
in a month or so
i'll find the time
to ride the bike to swan haven
once again
for newer -
und besser -
. . . pictures . . .
for toby and miriam
lw alle
La foto no se encuentra en la discusión pública. Es por esta razón actualmente no puede ser comentada.
Robert L. Roux 27/02/2009 15:09
@miraculix.xx - a little frost on the wings is okaybut
if they stay too long it will become
inches thick ice
making it impossible to fly ...
@ikka - in north america
people say seeing the first robin
is proof of spring
i see swans loonnng before i see robins ... '~))
Mira Culix 27/02/2009 13:58
That is a vera nice one, but they should make sure not to arrive too early or they might end up like this onewith crushed ice on their tails
LG miraculix.xx
Robert L. Roux 27/02/2009 8:29
soon, mirjam,the littlest ones
from years past
will be here
wandering over the ice
with their mates -
ain't love grand? ... *~))
Robert L. Roux 27/02/2009 7:59
one of these dayswith a little luck
i'll find myself a hundred
m i l e s
and do some whale counting for 'ya
((~' ... ¿ now where's my passport ?... '~))
Sir Tobys diario 08-09 27/02/2009 7:54
....... just imagine: I had no idea !!! :-(Robert L. Roux 27/02/2009 7:48
yes toby y sercre -the count depends on the counter
in recent years
up to five thousand swans
have found their ways north
to start new families in the north country.
when mother nature smiles
and father sun melts the ice enough
soon they will find
in the wilderness ... '~))
Sir Tobys diario 08-09 27/02/2009 7:41
... ¿really, so many? I think, we love themall (!) - incredible even how Toby managed
understanding with them out of nothing,
saw him (Mr Swan) once and then again.
Your pic is wonderful °.~ ,abrazo* m-t