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A Little Duck before the Concert?

A Little Duck before the Concert?

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A Little Duck before the Concert?

A lovely spring evening on the promenade of the John F. Kennedy
Center for the Performing Arts, along the Potomac in Washington…

This plump little gal was taking in the sunset over the Potomac (and the passage overhead
of large twin-engine metal birds on final approach to Reagan National Airport) with the rest of us.

Ah, but truth to tell, I think she missed the dancing waters and broad pool of the fountain
on whose marble rim she stood sentry, patiently awaiting the restoration of…water!

The sunset silhouetting the buildings of Rosslyn, across the river in Virginia, is reflected in the glass.

Oh, the question mark? Just kidding…

© Steve Ember
P.S. - Thank you dear Sabine, for pointing out my gender mistake in original caption - I wanted so much to call her/him Erich Wolfgang, in honor of E.W.Korngold whose Violin Concerto I was there to hear, that I overlooked the obvious!

Little "Erica" was apparently unimpressed by the raspberry candy,
but I did like the serendipitous color match with the woman's handbag ;-)

Comentarios 1

  • s. sabine krause 13/04/2014 10:14

    : ))) isn't it strange, how the ducks of this world are developing more and more interest in political issues? one day they'll be running for government, i'm sure, even if it means putting all their eggs in one basket… speaking of eggs, have you ever asked yourself why they call it the "oval office"?? see, what i mean! i bet there's people, especially on the internet, who are already calling it a conspiracy. personally, i'd say that's a canard, but hey, you never know… one more thing, though, your erich wolfgang here: i think he's either a cross dresser or… an erica! how do i know? well, a couple of years ago he posed for a similar shot for me – running for mayor (of hamburg!) at the time ! ; ))) greetings, sabine. p.s.: i just love the forced perspective dwarfing the lady in the back and turning the duck into a giant!