2.039 13

Irina No

Free Account, St-Petersburg

Comentarios 13

  • Tony (Anthony) Rowell 19/04/2006 12:17

    Nice chosen subject and composed nicely,a little dark though.
  • Seagaul 19/04/2006 9:24

    @ Irina: You are absolutely right! Image is image and words are words. So we are here for images, aren´t we?
    My point is, I don´t SEE (!) the connection between title and words. That is o.k. with me. I love pictures that leave more than one door open for a meaning(!). This is one of it !
  • JVision 19/04/2006 7:37

    Wonderful still life.
  • Hassan Kashef 18/04/2006 23:28

    It's so deep like love, when you express it with used words it lose its deepness.

    So keep deepen
  • Axel Schober 18/04/2006 23:27

    I love that light and the colours. Excellent work!
  • Irina No 18/04/2006 22:21

    Jo, hm... u right.
    Thank u for explanation))
    But i`ve already said that it doesn`t matter) I see connection between pic and title, for me it`s more important than if someone doesn`t see this connection. I can`t explain it, just feel.
  • Irina No 18/04/2006 21:02

    Thank u all))
    Falko, u didn`t understand it? u didn`t see idea? no problem, not everyone may understand it) I don`t like to explain my photos and ideas. I just can say that it doesn`t matter. ))
  • Seagaul 18/04/2006 20:38

    Tulips are very dark, background grey, top dark - no idea, what kind of love this is about - please enlighten me !
  • Zenonas 18/04/2006 15:39

    Very delicate lighting, nice composition.
  • Mél Ancholy 18/04/2006 15:33

    Sehr feines Bild ........ gefällt mir gut !!!
  • Victor Servián 18/04/2006 14:16

    Una buena composición, buen tono de luz. Me gusta.
  • Siren Siren 18/04/2006 13:52

    very nice :)
  • Hergen Plorin 18/04/2006 13:10

    The composition and the colours are very lovely!
