Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Across the Lagoon (original)

West End of Vancouver from Lost Lagoon

Comentarios 11

  • Snežana 04/10/2008 13:40

    I like this one more than the experimental one but that does not mean that I don't like it at all - the experimental tones are nice and have made the look of the pc very interesting but I think it is a bit oversharpend. Still it is nice view! Carry on with experimenting :)

    Greetings, Snežana
  • Andrea Sagawe 27/09/2008 10:57

    Funny, how a little editing can completely change a motive's mood.
    This one's has a fine tranquil Sunday feeling and the other looks like a photo out of a science fiction film. Very surreal.

  • Hansenberger 27/09/2008 0:52

    sehr interressantes Foto !
  • Pascal Viyer 25/09/2008 5:49

    What a nice place !!
  • Pozer Katalin 24/09/2008 23:27

    I prefer this original version.
    Very nice view and composition. Lightness is special among the clouds.
  • Sakura 24/09/2008 11:49

    It's verry nice I like boath of them. One on how it really is and one in the eyes of a dreamer:)
    Grate ideea Adele:)
  • Fons van Swaal 24/09/2008 11:27

    Very nice Adele..
    I very known place I remember strolling around there ..
    Thanks for sharing and bringing back memories...
  • Canan Oner 24/09/2008 9:25

    Magnificient..I've always heard from friends about the beauty of Vancuver, but didn't have a chance to visit yet..Thanks for sharing..
  • Inez Correia Marques 24/09/2008 8:35

    beautiful in its original form . the photos are totaly diferent after the editing.
    both of them very good Adele .merci
  • Frederick Mann 24/09/2008 7:42

    this is simply ... as picture .. magnificent... (and I've heard from others.. who visited... that Vancouver is a lively and attractive city on the west coast of canada)
  • VolkerMZ 24/09/2008 6:57

    Der Gegensatz zwischen der Skyline und der romantischen Landschaft kann grösser nicht sein.....aber auch nicht reizvoller.
    Sehr gelungen !