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Afghanian musician plays his instrument

Afghanian musician plays his instrument

5.817 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Afghanian musician plays his instrument

This instrument called Tambur and is typical for Iranian and Afghanian music. Tanbour (or Tambur, a guitar or harp like instrument) is the oldest and most genuine Iranian and Afghanian musical instrument and nowadays nearly half of the people around the world are acquainted with this ancient instrument and are using it in different parts of the world under different names.

(The diapositive was scanned by NikonCoolscan 5000ED, original Agfacolor 100 ASA, captured December 1976.)

Comentarios 1

  • Matthias Krug-Bamberg 18/10/2012 20:34

    Deine Scans, Wolfgang, sehen - abgesehen von den tollen Motiven - ein bisschen wie gemalt aus. Das gibt ihnen eine ganz besondere Note!
    Lieber Gruß