Am Morgen Imagen & Foto | Fotos de fotocommunity
Am Morgen Imagen & Foto de georg3240 ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
georg3240 desea expresamente feedback constructivo para esta fotografía. Ayúdalo con consejos sobre la composición de la imagen, la técnica, el lenguaje de la imagen, etc. (Por favor, ¡ten en cuenta el código de conducta!).
You could have created more depth by using the wall at the back to create it Use the lines on the floor to help the viewer move from left to right. Why did you cut the glas at the bottom? It is disturbing. Take it in or out. Good luck
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Pierre-Yves Matile 18/07/2021 17:33
You could have created more depth by using the wall at the back to create it Use the lines on the floor to help the viewer move from left to right. Why did you cut the glas at the bottom? It is disturbing. Take it in or out. Good luck