Ancient Athens: The Temple of Hephaistos (Thisseion)
Two images taken with extreme Wide Angle Lens and stitched with PTGui. Corrected was the vertical distortion.
Ancient Athens: The Temple of Hephaistos (Thisseion)
Two images taken with extreme Wide Angle Lens and stitched with PTGui. Corrected was the vertical distortion.
Malachor5 22/12/2007 13:51
Starke Perspektive!!!!!Allein die Menschen am rechten Bildrand stören mich etwas.
Lg Malachor5
Dirk Leismann 14/12/2007 17:51
Eine sehr gute Aufnahme und eine perfekte Perspektive.Gruß,
Comy 06/12/2007 21:26
interesting shot...Giorgos Fidanas 06/12/2007 21:06
Wonderful angle, very sweet distortion...!