Aqaba in the Early Morning Light
Aqaba is the only coastal city of Jordan, with an estimated population of 140,000 and a land area of 375 square kilometres. The city's strategic location at the northeastern tip of the Red Sea, has made its port important over the course of thousands of years. Today, the port plays a primary role in the kingdom's economy, it also serves several countries in the region.
Aqaba's location next to Wadi Rum and Petra has placed it in Jordan's golden triangle of tourism, which strengthened the city's location on the world map and made it one of the major tourist attractions in Jordan.
The film "Lawrence of Arabia" with Peter O'Toole has boosted Aqaba's popularity, where the Battle of Aqaba took place in the year 1917.
Bea Herzberg 31/01/2016 14:18
Very impressive photo!Hugs, Bea
† Reinhard S 24/01/2016 0:05
Impressing photo !Thank you also for the info.
Compliments, best personal regards, Reinhard
Dream30 23/01/2016 23:21
magnifique endroit ! J'ai regardé cette belle série avec beaucoup d'intérêt Merci pour ce partage BisesArnold. Meyer 22/01/2016 19:33
Ein beeindruckendes Foto mit spannenden Text.LG Arnold
sparkling light 22/01/2016 14:15
Aqaba, inseparably linked with T.E. Lawrence of Arabia that famous british military hero.Jost
Jochen Braband 21/01/2016 17:47
Beeindruckendes Foto!Sehr schöne Dokumentation!
Alles Gute, Jochen
Günter Nau 21/01/2016 11:05
Tatsächlich sind die Moscheen oft die prächtigsten Bauten einer Stadt. Da habe ihr euch eine interessante Ecke der Welt ausgesucht. Tolles Foto.Grüße Günter
María de la Rosa 21/01/2016 8:56
interesante lugar!!!!1te felicito
Conny11 20/01/2016 21:57
Eine großartige Aufnahme, ich mag das fade Morgenlicht.LG zu dir Conny
Pierre LAVILLE 20/01/2016 20:17
Vitória Castelo Santos 20/01/2016 19:50
A dangerous trip Adele:-)))))))))))Berthold Klammer 20/01/2016 19:35
You are on an very interesting trip...shooting fine documents....
regards Berthold
Johanna C. 20/01/2016 19:06
Superb postal card!Best regards, Jo
Jürg Scherrer 20/01/2016 18:41
Liebe Adele -ganz herrlich Deine Präsentation, in bester Qualität. Absolute Klasse! Ganz spezielle Farben und Licht!
Recht lieben Gruss aus Italien.
adriana lissandrini 20/01/2016 18:36
a magnificent view of an extremely interesting place, we hope that does not arrive there too the barbarismhugs, Adriana