Auf dem klavier Imagen & Foto | pflanzen, pilze & flechten, zimmerpflanzen, ampelpflanzen Fotos de fotocommunity
Auf dem klavier Imagen & Foto de dirk zabel ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
The piano which had been inherited carefully in my home lost the good partner in now, and the cover was sealed with a vase.
And, the beautiful melody that the piano memorizes is made nourishment and the flower is vividly in full bloom.
It is a photograph where it starts appealing for something.
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KEBIN 26/11/2009 10:49
The piano which had been inherited carefully in my home lost the good partner in now, and the cover was sealed with a vase.And, the beautiful melody that the piano memorizes is made nourishment and the flower is vividly in full bloom.
It is a photograph where it starts appealing for something.
werner reinold 15/01/2009 19:22
sehr schöne aufnahme.tolles motiv mit sehr schönen farben und einem sehr schönen schattenspiel.
gruß werner