Augen-Blicke (Scheffelstraße 35 - 17.06.07 at 10.09 pm, 800 Iso)
Odd ... this augenblick ... I just came home from a birthday party ... and, as I stepped out of the car ... the lights went on.. like .. as if this lonely door, seemingly abandoned, wanted attention ... so... I, spontaneous ad I am (yes spontaneous), took my camera from it's pouch ... and captured the door's greeting....
(and I have had the feeling, that, this door... had been seemingly abandoned (verlassen) ... perhaps now it has a new owner ...(there were rumors that this building would be demolished ... abgerissen) ..... but... it seems that.... things are starting to happen around the door.. I, still, have not seen it open... for a good 12 months now ... I'll wait for that day ... and then celeberate with the door ...
† Autour 08/05/2015 13:53
Deine Geschichten sind mindestens so gut wie deine Bilder. Es lebe der skurrile Humor!!!!Lin
rwesiak 12/09/2007 20:47
weird mood lg rosiYours Truly 11/09/2007 17:14
Love the story ... love the foto coming with it ... a beautiful little piece of art!Cheers, Claus
JVision 11/09/2007 13:38
The light is on waiting for the door to open and let the action start. Great capture.Greetings
Alexandra Baltog 11/09/2007 13:20
great photographer ! nice story....DSK 11/09/2007 9:46
fantasticand great
Lieben Gruß
christian ... art-n-visions 11/09/2007 8:50
genial... das ist echt stark das bild...! ganz grosse klasse...!!!!lg
Anni R. 11/09/2007 8:46
sehr fein gemachtE-Punkt 11/09/2007 8:45
Wie schon gesagt,die Kunst des Alltäglichen.
Da wird sogar eine banale Garagentür
zur Preziose.
Gut gemacht, wie immer.
Lg. Elfi