Augen-Blicke (seen but not seen everyday by the people who live here)
This is the beginning of a new series. Sudden moments of awareness,
of things or processes we see every day... but hardly take notice of , but are there (even in our mind) and are ever present in our life... day after day ... then... LOL... one day... we see it (them, in a momentary view) .. it's like an aHA experience)
If you understand what I mean....
bakmak 30/03/2009 8:22
das find ich noch geyler!!! ;o))sieht schon richtig zärtlich aus
Lisa Elisabeth Stamm 20/06/2008 23:21
...yes, I understand what your are meaning....:-)
lg Lisa Stamm
Udo Ludo 14/02/2008 18:49
Die Lampe geht auf Jück!Anni R. 29/08/2007 19:29
klasse idee :-))Bineta 29/08/2007 17:19
I like the concept.Great idea!
Frederick Mann 29/08/2007 10:56
@All, I'm surprised
and pleased by the reponse ...
and I assume we all have such moments..
and I actually walk past this scene each day
everytime I leave or come home ...
it's the begining of the steps ... to the front door
(and of course lucky for me on that day of discovery... I just happened to have a camera in my pouch)
Gelbe Tonne too,
is on the way to the street...
(but that was on another day),
since I'm more aware of the existence of the Tonne...
I try to greet it each time I pass...
It has, afterall, become existent in my growing world
I look more often in the Tonne now (but I'll save the details what's in the Tonne for myself)
christian ... art-n-visions 29/08/2007 9:56
well... i'm looking forward to see more...!Volker Blem 29/08/2007 9:36
Ein sehr schöne Aufnahme, gute Arbeit von dir.Viele Grüße Saraline
DSK 29/08/2007 9:20
Sehr interessante Aufnahmemal sehen was die neue Serie bringt:)
LG Micha
Monja Litzke- Ansichts Sache 29/08/2007 8:29
die idee find ich absout gut!Yours Truly 29/08/2007 8:13
Reizvolles Konzept! Mehr ... !Liebe Grüße, Claus