Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Back Alley Blues (3)

Downtown and many areas in the older part of Vancouver have back alleys running behind the houses. Here are the garages, the power and telephone lines, here is the garbage pick-up and the delivery of goods for the stores, here the kids can play away from big traffic. I find these alleys a never-ending opportunity to shoot pictures - will show you a few in the next couple of days.
This alley is just of Main Street in the East End of Vancouver.

I know vertical images are not too popular .... but sometimes it has to be.
Thank you all for your visits and appreciative comments!!!

Comentarios 34

  • Rosearodoe 10/08/2010 4:32

    A wonderful shot, love the green moss/plant on the brick work with the moisture, and all of the vertical lines is great visual eye appeal.
  • José Ramón Miguel 13/07/2010 22:45

    Un excelente encuadre para mostrarnos el texturado de la fachada.
    Un abrazo. Ramón
  • Inez Correia Marques 09/07/2010 15:23

    wow Adele. What great composition. the pink color on the door and wall is very atractive in this environment
    Clever eye. . i like this series .
  • † Ernst Hobscheidt 09/07/2010 13:26

    auch dieses Foto vom Hinterhof finde ich gut.
    Klasse abgelichtet.
  • Joëlle Millet 09/07/2010 1:06

    Elle est très belle , verticale . Il suffirait de si peu pour qu'elle soit charmante ! Jolie Adèle , j'aime beaucoup ton regard . Amitiés . Joëlle
  • Ilidio Fernandes 08/07/2010 23:35

    Great capture , well done.
  • Ruth Hutsteiner 08/07/2010 22:28

    The back does not look better than the front, but much more interesting.
  • Dagmar Illing 08/07/2010 22:07

    The portrait format fits very well to this tall building and the construction of the stairs.
    You are showing us a very special side of Vancouver.
    Regards, Dagmar
  • Jürgen Cron 08/07/2010 21:16

    Das ist doch mal ein genialer Hinterhof, könnte ich mir wieder super gut zum Model shooten vorstellen.

    Klasse das !

    vlg. Jürgen..
  • corvosson 08/07/2010 20:33

    Die Hofseite erinnert stark an englische Kriminalfilme -ich hoffe die Matratze diente keinem als Sprungtuch -unglaublich gute Dokumentation :+)
  • Ernst Heister 08/07/2010 20:18

    Ob das sich ausbreitende feuchte Grün wirklich durch eine Matratze aufzuhalten ist?
    Liebe Grüße, Ernst
  • Waldi W. 08/07/2010 20:09

    good place for taking pics, but I think I wouldn't like to sleep there :-)
    lg waldi
  • Alfredo Mazzoni 08/07/2010 20:03

    Questo degrado purtroppo esiste in tutte le città del mondo e non solo a Vancouver, estremamente interessante tutta la serie che evidenzia la situazione di questo quartiere!!! Cari saluti
  • Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 08/07/2010 18:40

    Un tipico motivo, bellissima composizione verticale, complimenti sinceri Amica Adele, un carissimo salutone cordialmente...Emir
  • la lune63 08/07/2010 18:07

    If I see this picture I wonder if it will be safe enough for you to wander over there?