Barge Racing
Saturday saw the 150th annual Thames Sailing Barge race. Despite intially little wind the barges were able to sail homeward under full sail.
Barge Racing
Saturday saw the 150th annual Thames Sailing Barge race. Despite intially little wind the barges were able to sail homeward under full sail.
de ceulaer 29/08/2020 17:34
just wonderful this race of old sailsbr
Y.Takatsu. 04/02/2016 16:40
it seems like one of the movie scene !a wonderful composition !
love it.
greetings from Tokyo
GoPicturesBerlin 21/07/2015 20:06
+++.very good picture. Reg.Volkertanu676 14/06/2014 7:15
wonderful bargeracingscenenice greetings
Sara Vanoni 19/05/2014 10:53
bellissima inquadratura grandi barche che si inseguono ma col vento danno l'impressione che dondolano ++++++Pfriemer 10/03/2014 7:51
schade, denn diese Meisterfoto wäre es für die Galerie viele male wert gewesen. Ein super Foto, Gruß Wolfgangklasarus 17/11/2013 21:04 Comentario de la votación
CEdina Stojan 17/11/2013 21:04 Comentario de la votación
-JURAFR 17/11/2013 21:04 Comentario de la votación
++++++++++RONSHI FOTOGRAFIE - Gudrun Ronsöhr-Hiebel 17/11/2013 21:04 Comentario de la votación
+Matthias von Schramm 17/11/2013 21:04 Comentario de la votación
cPhotomann Der 17/11/2013 21:04 Comentario de la votación
eFrank Bayer LEV 17/11/2013 21:04 Comentario de la votación
cVitória Castelo Santos 17/11/2013 21:03 Comentario de la votación
+++++++++Ruth U. 17/11/2013 21:03 Comentario de la votación