1.419 3

Süleyman SÖNMEZ

Free Account, Istanbul


Süleyman SÖNMEZ (c) 2007
Nikon D80 + Photoshop Color Manipulation

Süleyman SÖNMEZ (c) 2007
Nikon D80 + Photoshop Renk Düzenleme

Comentarios 3

  • Süleyman SÖNMEZ 14/01/2008 21:48

    Iedu Alexandru, Martial01, thanks your comments. This photo taken from Turkey, Istanbul and I think it was very special time. Because they like made of stone . And ligth, shadows. I love this view :)

    Thank you.
  • Martial01 14/01/2008 18:29

    You found the right moment.
  • Alexandru Valentin Iedu 13/01/2008 23:09

    Really beautiful picture ...
    I like it ...
    Beautiful colousr and tone ...

    Kind regards,