Brandonburg Gate Down Low
...some images in the public realm are unmistakingly recognisable; however, taking an alternative perspective on a given subject matter; can give the topic a fresh "look". It took me about 15 minutes of laying on my stomach, waiting for a moment when no one was standing in the way to make this picture - some people actually came to me to ask if I needed a doctor:-)
Graziella P. 17/02/2022 12:00
Kann man machen, nicht schlecht. Deine Aufnahme gefällt mir sehr gut. Lg GraziellaWilfried Jurkowski 17/02/2022 11:34
gewollt unscharf, das bekannte Motiv im Hintergrund - die Fokusierung auf die Pflastersteine .... ein gelungenes FotoMr. Sacha 17/02/2022 8:08
A really beautiful view, Peter!Great mood and exposure, I like this photo very much.
Regards Sacha