Bridge of the Arrábida
The Bridge of the Arrábida went tosecond bridge between Oporto and V. N.Gaia to be built for the road circulation, being one of six still existent bridges inthe city of Oporto, when there is this inconstruction order the Bridge of D.Maria Pia, the Bridge Luís I, the Bridgeitself of the Arrábida, the Bridge of SaintJohn, the Bridge of the Ash and theBridge of the Prince.
About the decade of forty there wasnoticed that the circulation in the BridgeLuís I, between Oporto and V. N. Gaia,was done with much difficulty, causedespecially by the demographicexpansion of the district of Oporto andof the district of V. N. Gaia, and wasrecognized the necessity of analternative journey. In March of 1952the J. A. E. (Autonomous board of theRoads, awarded the preparation of thedrafts to an Engineer of Bridges ofworld-wide renown - the Teacher EdgarCardoso. The project would come to beapproved in 1955 and finished in 1963.
In spite of they had affirmed severalrenowned engineers of some countriesthat the bridge in this format would notlast much time, so, this work d'arte itstill continues of foot.
The Engineer responsible for his projectand construction was Edgar Cardoso.
CHARLOTTE101 06/03/2020 13:36
Great picture !yamaha 1 14/06/2019 22:26
Super sw Aufnahme, besonders der Nebel macht das Bild sorichtig interessant.
Gruß Gilbert
ayla77 23/05/2019 23:09
Wahnsinn, wie die Brücke im Nichts verschwindet! Lg, Bettinamohane 20/05/2019 20:59
belle composition avec ce pont qui disparait dans la brumeDagmars Welt 02/05/2019 12:04
Super, wie die Brücke im Nebel verschwindet.LG Dagmar
Latigid Wolfgang 18/10/2017 0:03
Eine fantastische S/W Aufnahme aus einer sehr schönen Perspektive, eine feine Fotoarbeit.Gruß Wolfgang
Marta G. Benito 08/03/2017 13:51
Qué captura!!! Waw!!!Nadège3 07/03/2017 16:26
Great views ! this gives mystery ! amtsGoPicturesBerlin 09/09/2016 17:38
Brücke ins nirgendwo.... Guter Moment und Blickwinkel. In b/n gefällts mir richtig gut. 04/09/2016 17:10
complimenti x questo bellissimo ed originale scatto... bravoDie Schäferin 04/09/2016 11:37
das ist sehr mystisch , das sieht klasse aus !L.G. Sonja
† Henryk L 04/09/2016 10:23
KLASSE... Ein perfektes Nebel-Szenario.VG Henryk L.
SINA 03/09/2016 12:38
mirtas 26/08/2016 20:05
Die Brücke ins Nichts. Tolle Aufnahme. Der Nebel, der Rahmen.Gruß, Mirtas
Helga Noll 21/06/2016 20:46
Eine fantastische Aufnahme.Grüße, Helga