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Bulgarian orthodox christian boy

Bulgarian orthodox christian boy

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Bulgarian orthodox christian boy

Bulgaria, Rousse, a scene from orthodox christian church st. "Nikolai Chudotvorec " canon ef s 10-22mm at 10mm

Comentarios 3

  • Georgi Kehayov 30/10/2006 9:58

    thanks for the warm wellcoming, Regs Ray, praznikut e preobrajenie gospodne, dokolkoto si spomnqm, no snimkata ne ilustrira nego, po skoro me vpe4atli detskoto i 4ove6koto koeto prozira izpod relegioznite atributi na towa mom4e. Radwam se da da sre6tna bulgarska re4 w tozi dosta dobur forum :) pozdravi

    high regards
  • Regina Ray 28/10/2006 14:13

    nice light and interesting composition.
    kakav praznik e?
  • Dirk Hofmann 27/10/2006 17:24

    i like the set up and the use of light here!

    very good start ... looking forward to see more ... :-)